Mumbai:Shiv Sena on Wednesday questioned the Modi government's silence on the incursions by the Chinese forces and Pakistan-backed terror attacks in Kashmir. "If strong steps are not taken by the central government, China and Pakistan will come together and pose a threat to the very existence of India. The political East India Company in the country should understand this," Shiv Sena said in an editorial in the party mouthpiece, Saamana on Wednesday.
"China is not ready to take back its soldiers who entered eastern Ladakh. 13 rounds of meetings between the armies of India and China yielded no results. China has made direct incursions in the Barahoti region of Uttarakhand and Tawang in Arunachal Pradesh. In the Yangtze region, a standoff took place between the soldiers of both countries last week. While China keeps resorting to incursions, India is busy holding talks. The Chinese army officials stretch the talks but do whatever they want to in the end. China is not ready to accept any constructive changes to resolve the LAC issue," Sena said.