Mayiladuthurai(Tamil Nadu): AIADMK top leader K Palaniswami on Friday said the government should not interfere in religious matters and condemned what he called the state meddling in the affairs of Aadheenams. All religions should be equally treated, the Leader of Opposition said after seeking the blessings of Srilasri Masilamani Desika Gnanasambandha Paramacharya Swami, the Dharmapuram Aadheenam pontiff here.
Aadheenam is a Tamil word that denotes a Shaivite math and its head as well. The pontiff of a Shaivite math is also referred to as a Aadheenakarthar. Palaniswami after his visit to the Aadheenam told reporters that the government must not interfere in any religious issue and in practices followed all along by Aadheenams. The government is deliberately trying to "poke its nose into the Aadheenams and this is regrettable and condemnable," he said.
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Palaniswami said a customary event, 'Pattina Pravesam', involving carrying the pontiff on a palanquin in and around the math premises by devotees was initially banned and later revoked by the government following stiff opposition by political parties and the people. "For about 500 years, the Pattina Pravesam event has been conducted. Wantonly, the DMK government banned it." Such events have been held during the previous DMK and AIADMK regimes as well, he said.
The AIADMK leader said his party had opposed the ban and also had moved a motion in the state Assembly calling the attention of the government over the issue. Only following the pressure exerted by political parties and the people, the government was prompted to withdraw the ban, he said. The ban led to a row and it was revoked last month and the event was held here. (PTI)