Thiruvananthapuram: Google, the internet giant, paid heartfelt tributes on the 113th birth anniversary of Nalappat Balamani Amma, a noted Malayalam poet, with a special Google doodle. The poet, commonly referred to as the poet of motherhood, is shown sitting on the verandah of her ancestral house and writing in the doodle.
Balamani Amma published her first poem in 1930 when she was 21 years old. She broke male dominance in the field of art, particularly poetry, through her alluring poems proclaiming to the world that poetry is also for women. Nalappat Balamani Amma was born on July 19, 1909, at Punnayurkulam in the Thrissur district. She grew up under the influence of her uncle, poet Nalappat Narayana Menon, and did her studies entirely at home.
She got married at the age of 19 to the then Managing Director and Managing Editor of Mathrubhumi, V M Nair. She continued her love for poetry even after her marriage and got her first poem 'Kooppu Kai' (Folded hands) published when she was 21. Balamani Amma's poetry can be broadly categorised into three phases. In her initial writing phase, Balamani Amma mostly dealt with themes of motherhood.