Vijayawada:A goods train derailed near Rajahmundry railway station in Andhra Pradesh early Wednesday, resulting in the cancellation of nine trains. According to officials of South Central Railway, Vijayawada Division, the goods train derailed on the main line at Rajahmundry yard around 3 a.m. Following the incident, the railway authorities were allowing the movement of trains on one track.
This has led to the cancellation of nine trains. Two other trains were partially cancelled and one train was rescheduled. Vijayawada-Visakhapatnam, Visakhapatnam-Vijayawada, Guntur-Visakhapatnam, Visakhapatnam-Guntur, Visakhapatnam-Vijayawada, Vijayawada-Visakhapatnam, Vijayawada-Guntur, Guntur-Vijayawada and Kakinada Port-Vijayawada have been cancelled.