Hyderabad:Good Friday is an important day for Christians, observed annually on the Friday before Easter. It commemorates the death of Jesus Christ who was crucified. Christians have been observing it as a day of sorrow, penance, and fasting, according to Encyclopedia Britannica.
Date fixing-The Gospels according to Matthew, Mark, and Luke say that Jesus' last meal with his disciples before his crucifixion was a Passover seder, a symbolic feast which is done in celebration of liberation of Hebrews from Egypt. Going by this, the death of Jesus would fall on the 15th of Nisan in the Jewish calendar or the first day of Passover, which falls on April 7th in the Gregorian calendar.
The Gospel according to John says that Passover had not yet begun when Jesus' final meal was held, meaning the date of death would fall on the 14th of Nisan. Christians, instead of commemorating it on a fixed date, follow the flexible date of the Passover (based on Jewish lunisolar calendar), by equating the Last Supper to the Passover seder. Therefore, Good Friday is observed between March 20, and April 23, which are the first and last possible dates for Passover. The Sunday that follows is observed as Easter signifying the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
How commemoration evolved over time- The commemoration of Jesus' death and resurrection and the Last Supper were observed together on the evening before Easter until 4th Century. Thereafter, all three events are observed separately with Thursday before Good Friday is observed as Maundy Thursday to commemorate the Last Supper. Good Friday will commemorate the Jesus' death and Easter, his resurrection.