Thiruvananthapuram (Kerala):One of the accused in the alleged gold smuggling case, Sarith PS was taken into custody by police vigilance in connection with the Kerala Life Mission case on Wednesday. The Life Mission case pertains to spending the foreign fund against the purpose for which it was aimed. Congress MLA Anil Akkara had filed a complaint to the CBI alleging that various middlemen including state representatives and government officials received Rs 4.5 crores as commission.
Later, the police released Sarith after seizing his phone. The Additional Chief Judicial Magistrate Court (Economic Offences) on 3 December 2020 had sent Kerala gold smuggling case prime accused Swapna Suresh and Sarith to Customs custody till December 8. However, this Tuesday, Swapna had revealed that she has declared in court the involvement of chief minister Pinarayi Vijayan, his wife and daughter in the 2020 gold smuggling case.
Suresh also alleged that there is a threat to her life and sought protection. She was released from jail in November last year after spending almost 16 months behind the bars.
"I have already given 164 statements in court about a threat to my life. I have declared in court about all the people involved in this case. I have also filed a petition seeking protection in court. They are considering it. I have declared in the court about what is the involvement of M Sivasankar (then principal secretary to Kerala CMO), the Chief Minister, CM's wife Kamala, CM's daughter Veena, his secretary CM Raveendran, then Chief Secretary Nalini Netto IAS, then minister KT Jaleel," she said.