Bhind (Madhya Pradesh):Gohad Police in MP's Bhind district have registered a cow slaughter case against youth Congress district president Rajkumar Deshlahra after a heifer was run over by the latter's vehicle. Immediately, some of those who had witnessed the incident reached the nearest police station and demanded an FIR be registered against Deshlahra. Later, police registered a case and began an investigation.
According to the FIR, the incident took place in Gohad Dank Bungalow area and one Shailendra Jadoun had lodged a complaint with the police. Shailendra told that he was sitting in the area with some of his colleagues, when at around 5:30 pm, the youth Congress district president Rajkumar Deshlahra, who was driving his Scorpio at a high speed had hit the heifer near the crossroads, and the animal died on the spot.