Panaji:Amid criticism over his comments following the gang rape of two girls, Goa Chief Minister Pramod Sawant on Friday said that his statement about the unfortunate incident was taken out of context. "My statement about the unfortunate incident was taken out of context. At no point, I have tried to deny the right to the security provided by our law. Goa Police has been a truly professional force especially when it comes to the security of women and children. They have already acted swiftly and arrested the accused, and let me assure you that I shall ensure that the culprits get the most stringent punishment under the law. The safety of our citizens is always my Govt's top priority" said Goa CM.
Sawant said that as the head of a government and also a father of a 14-year-old daughter, he was deeply pained and disturbed over the incident. "So when I spoke about shared responsibility for minor children, it was out of concern, care, and love for my fellow citizens and our children. We all love our kids. Being the Chief Minister my feeling of concern is extended to all the children of Goa. Goa Chief Minister while speaking on the safety of children, especially, the minor ones, said Sawant.
"Our right to security has to be strengthened further with more cautiousness. Children, especially minors, need the guidance of their elders. "I, both as an individual and as the Chief Minister can never ever directly, indirectly, or remotely hurt the sentiments of my fellow citizens of Goa. I put this on record today. I reiterate that in matters that concern the safety and security of our children, there will be no compromise. Let there be no place for misunderstanding. Let us stand united. Let us trust each other. Let us stand united as one Goa so that all such evils can be defeated with all our might," he added. His remark came after he received flak from opposition over his earlier comment.
Congress president Girish Chodankar condemned the statement of Chief Minister Sawant. The Chief Minister had during a debate in the House said that parents have a responsibility to ensure the safety of their children.