New Delhi:The National Commission for Women on Thursday formed a two-member Fact-finding team to probe into the case of a 38-year-old woman, who was brutally gang-raped in Ghaziabad. The woman was waiting for an auto to return home in Delhi when she was kidnapped at gunpoint in Ghaziabad and taken to an unknown location. There the five men held the woman captive for two days and gang-raped her. After committing the heinous crime, the rapists inserted an object in her private parts.
The incident reminds us of the Nirbhay incident in 2012 in Delhi, which created public outrage, people belonging to all walks of life and political leaders irrespective of party affiliations condemned the barbaric act. Furthermore, the victim was undergoing treatment at GTB Hospital in Delhi, the Commission said. The barbarity perpetrated on the woman is beyond comprehension and condemnable. hence, the Commission has taken cognizance of the brutal crime, it added.