Ghaziabad (Uttar Pradesh): A feat of honesty was observed in Uttar Pradesh's Ghaziabad on Wednesday, as an e-rickshaw driver submitted a bag consisting Rs 25 lakh in cash to the police. The incident, which took place in Ghaziabad's Modinagar area, came to light after Aas Mohammad, a local resident, and E-rickshaw driver by profession, said he came across the bag lying on the bank of a pond in the locality.
Mohammad subsequently turned the bag over to personnel at the Modinagar Police Station alongside his acquaintance Sarfaraz Ali. Speaking about the incident, DCP Rural Ravi Kumar termed Mohammad a 'good samaritan'. "He encountered the bag, which consisted of cash worth around Rs 25 lakh. He subsequently handed it over to the personnel deployed at the time. On behalf of Modinagar Police, we have facilitated him for the same" he added. There were a total of 50 bundles of Rs 500 currency notes in the bag, the official also said.