New Delhi: Hitting back at Congress leader Navjot Singh Sidhu's statement that Imran Khan is his brother, Bharatiya Janata Party leader Gautam Gambhir has said Sidhu should first send his children to the borders and then call the "head of a terrorist state his big brother."
Speaking to ANI on Saturday, Gambhir said, "Navjot Singh Sidhu should send his children to the border. Had his children been in the army, would he have still called Imran Khan his big brother at the Kartarpur Sahib?"
Gambhir said Sidhu does not comment on the killing of 40 civilians and soldiers in Kashmir in the last one month and goes against the people who want to protect India.
"There cannot be a more shameful statement by Sidhu than this. He hugs the Pakistani Army Chief Bajwa, he goes to Kartarpur Sahib and calls Imran Khan his big brother. 40 civilians and soldiers have been killed in Kashmir in the last one month, but he does not comment on that. He goes against the people who want to protect India. When Capt. Amarinder Singh wants to protect India and talked about the country, he did not cooperate. What can be more shameful than this?" he said.
READ:Sidhu calls Imran Khan as 'elder brother', BJP, AAP lambast