New Delhi: A day after Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced repeal of the three contentious farm laws, the Samyukta Kisan Morcha (SKM) on Saturday said its scheduled programmes would continue and urged farmers to gather in large numbers at all protest sites on the first anniversary of the agitation against the legislations on November 26.
The SKM has welcomed the prime minister's decision but said it will wait for the announcement to take effect through due parliamentary procedures.
In a statement, the SKM, an umbrella body of 40 farmers' unions, said the struggle will continue to get all demands of the protesting farmers fulfilled and all announced plans are underway.
"SKM appeals to farmers in various North Indian states to reach the different morcha sites on November 26, 2021, which marks the completion of a full one year of continuous peaceful protests at Delhi's borders, the statement said.
Thousands of farmers, particularly those from Punjab, Haryana and western Uttar Pradesh, have been protesting at the borders of the national capital since November 26 last year demanding repeal of the three farm laws.
Read: Proposed tractor march to Parliament during Winter Session not withdrawn yet, say farmer leaders
Farmer leaders said that a final decision on the future course of the agitation and the issue of minimum support price (MSP) will be taken in a meeting of the SKM at the Singhu border protest site on Sunday.
The farmers' body said the first anniversary of the agitation will be marked by parades by tractors and bullock carts in other states.