Aligarh: At least 50 workers of Al Dua Meat Factory in the Rorawar police station area of Aligarh suffocated after ammonia gas leaked here on Thursday. The workers were rushed to Jain Medical College for treatment. DM Inder Vikram Singh and SSP Kalanidhi Naithani reached the hospital where the DM while talking to the media persons said, "The reason for the gas leak is not known yet, we are first focusing on the treatment of the workers and an investigation committee will be appointed soon."
Ammonia gas leak in Aligarh's meat factory; 50 workers hospitalised
DM Inder Vikram Singh and SSP Kalanidhi Naithani reached the hospital where the DM while talking to the media persons said, "The reason for the gas leak is not known yet, we are first focusing on the treatment of the workers and an investigation committee will be appointed soon."
Ammonia gas leak in Aligarh meat factory
The DM further said, "The workers were packing meat to export when the gas leaked. Few of them fainted but their condition is said to be stable now. We do not need to panic."