Mumbai: Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) president Sourav Ganguly has approached the Bombay High Court seeking that the 2018 order of an arbitration tribunal that awarded him a compensation payable by his former management companies, Percept Talent Management Ltd and Percept D Mark (India) Ltd, be enforced. The former Team India captain has sought that the two companies be directed to disclose their assets and on Monday, Percept Talent Management and Percept D Mark told a single bench presided over by Justice AK Menon that they will do so by July 20.
The total money to be paid by the two companies, according to the retired cricketer, is more than Rs 36 crore, which includes around Rs 14.50 crore original compensation plus interest accumulated on it for non-payment. As an interim relief, Ganguly has also sought that the companies be restrained from carrying out any transactions on their properties. Ganguly, in his plea, raised concern that the directors of the companies had siphoned off funds from their accounts to other firms. Advocate Shardul Singh, appearing for the companies, said they will disclose the assets by July 20.
Read:BCCI working group member for compensation for all age-groups