Amritsar (Punjab):Gangster Lakhbir Singh alias Landa, sitting in Canada, allegedly conspired to plant a bomb in the car of a sub-inspector in Amritsar of Punjab. The police found this after interrogating two members of the Landa gang. The police arrested and produced the two accused, Harpal Singh and Fatehveer Singh, in court on Thursday and obtained an eight-day remand. After interrogating both of them, the police found that the incident is connected to Landa and Rinda, who are gangsters and carrying out terror acts, sitting in Canada and Pakistan.
Gangster conspires to plant a bomb in SI car in Amritsar
The police produced the two arrested accused, Harpal Singh and Fatehveer Singh, in court and obtained an eight-day remand. After interrogating both of them, the police found that the incident is connected to Landa and Rinda, who are gangsters and carrying out terror acts, sitting in Canada and Pakistan.
Also read:Two wanted Punjab gangsters gunned down at Kolkata residential area
According to information, gangster Lakhbir Singh aka Landa was spreading terror in the country by sitting thousands of kilometres away in Canada. Lakhbir Landa's name also came up in the case relating to the attack on the Intelligence unit of the Punjab police in Mohali a few months ago. In the initial investigation, it has been revealed that Landa contacted both the accused of Tarantaran and after this work, he also arranged to send them to Canada. It is also reported that Landa has studied with Harpal and Fatehvir Singh at one point.