Ranchi (Jharkhand): Altogether six accused raped the two women in the Dhurva locality of Ranchi on Thursday night. One of the accused, who was accompanying the victim, was asked by the latter's relative to drop her home, said police. While on way to home, the accused allegedly raped the woman and called his other five friends to rape her. The rest five also raped the woman. The accused then asked her to call another woman friend of hers and when she came. She was also raped by all the six persons, police said. "The version of the second rape victim is being verified," said the Ranchi police. Five accused have been arrested whereas a hunt is on for the sixth accused, added the Ranchi police.
Five accused arrested in Ranchi gang rape, hunt is on for sixth person: Cops
Out of six, Ranchi police have arrested five accused in the gang rape of two women. Efforts are on to arrest the sixth accused, said police.
Five accused arrested in Ranchi gang rape