Ranchi(Jharkhand):Five accused were arrested for gang-raping, a 21-year-old girl, in the Ratu police station area of Ranchi, Jharkhand on Thursday night, said police. According to the police, when the victim was returning home on Thursday night, she had asked for a route from the accused. After which they forced her into their car and abducted her. The accused drove and stopped the car outside a restaurant and raped her by taking turns.
The five accused claimed that "nobody would suspect a car with black colored tinted glass and no one would find them" but they were caught red-handed.
Actually, Deputy Superintendent of Police Ankita Rai, who was posted on a night patrol, saw a car parked outside a restaurant. Suspecting something was amiss, the personnel went to check the car and found the girl, who was crying, along with five men, police said.
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Understanding the situation, DSP Rai called Dhurva station in-charge-Praveen Jha and asked him to send additional force. The police team reached the spot and arrested all the accused and took them to a police station. "The place is close to Dhurva police station, hence Dhurva police force arrested the accused. They have confessed to their crime during interrogation. These five accused study outside the state, among them, two of them belong to excellent educational establishments," added DSP Ankita Rai.