New Delhi: The Delhi Police has arrested a gang of nine people, including its leader, for allegedly extorting around Rs 20 crore from a Mumbai-based businessman after sending him forged Enforcement Directorate summons, officials said on Thursday. The accused apparently took inspiration from popular Bollywood movie 'Special 26', they said.
Ravindra Singh Yadav, Special Commissioner of Police (Crime Branch), said the accused sent two such forged notices to Hardev Singh, president of Nippon India Paints Ltd, and convinced him that the federal agency had registered a case against him. They further told Singh that he was going to be in deep trouble and claimed they could sort the whole thing out through a liaison in the ED's Delhi office, Yadav added.
Singh then received more such fake notices by speed post and grew apprehensive. He contacted the accused for help, who demanded Rs 2-3 crore at first and also asked to meet in Delhi, the Crime Branch official said. On November 11, the victim tried to negotiate with the accused to reduce the amount but was asked to meet in person to settle the issue, he said.