New Delhi: A video has emerged from Delhi's Singhu border, wherein a farmer began construction of a permanent house close to the headquarters of Samyukt Kisan Morcha. The Samyukt Kisan Morcha is a United Front that comprises over 40 Indian farmers unions formed in November 2020 to coordinate the farmers' protest.
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Materials such as brick and cement have been brought and work on the foundation has started. The two-storey building at GT Karnal road will be equipped with air conditioners.
A video made by Deep Khatri, a resident of Narela, Delhi, who runs a social organization named Bhagat Singh Youth Brigade, has been shared with ETV India.
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Khatri has been associated with the Samyukt Kisan Morcha since the farmer protests began last year and has been actively involved with the Kisan Morcha on a regular basis.