New Delhi: From 2,38,018 covid cases on Tuesday to 2,82,970 new cases reported on Wednesday, India witnessed a massive jump in the cases in a single day, the Union health ministry informed. With the addition of new infections, the country's active caseload mounted to 18,31,000, which is 4.83 per cent of the total cases reported so far. The daily positivity rate has shot down to 15.13 per cent compared to last week's 16 per cent while the weekly positivity rate is 15. 53 per cent.
A total of 8,961 cases of Omicron variant of COVID-19 have also been detected so far. The ministry said that there is an increase of 0.79 per cent in Omicron cases since Tuesday.
With 1,88,157 recoveries in the last 24 hours, the cumulative recoveries mounted to 3,55,83,039. Consequently, the national COVID-19 recovery rate has decreased to 93.88 per cent. However, 441 people succumbed to the infection in the last 24 hours thereby taking the death toll to 4, 87,202
In the last 24 hours, 18,69,642 tests were conducted to detect the presence of the virus. Since the onset of the pandemic, the country has conducted 70.74 crore tests.
Meanwhile, over 158.88 crore vaccine doses have been administered to date while 76,35,229 were administered in the last twenty-four hours. Notably, India's vaccination drive completed its one year on Sunday