New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Wednesday asked the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) to appoint an observer for overseeing the e-voting process, scheduled in the last week of December, for winding up of Franklin Templeton’s six mutual fund schemes.
The apex court said that its December 3 order, in which it had said that “for the time being, there will be stay of redemption payment to the unit holders”, would continue in the meantime.
A bench comprising Justices S Abdul Nazeer and Sanjiv Khanna posted the matter for hearing in the third week of January.
The apex court is hearing an appeal filed by Franklin Templeton against the Karnataka High Court order which stopped the fund house from winding up its debt fund schemes without prior consent of the investors.
At the outset, Solicitor General Tushar Mehta, appearing for Sebi, told the bench that appeal filed in the apex court by the market regulator in the matter has not been listed for hearing today.
When Mehta urged the court that Sebi’s appeal be listed for hearing in a day or two, the bench said, “We can list the matter for hearing in January”.
On December 7, Franklin Templeton Mutual Fund had said it has sought consent of the unit-holders for the orderly winding up of the six fixed income schemes.
The electronic voting will take place from December 26-28 and the meeting of unit-holders of relevant schemes on December 29, Franklin Templeton MF had said in a statement.
On December 3, the apex court had asked Franklin Templeton Mutual Fund to initiate steps within one week for calling a meeting of unit-holders to seek their consent for closure of six mutual fund scheme.