Karauli (Rajasthan):A four-year-old was allegedly raped in Hindaun of Rajasthan late in the night on Saturday. She was fast asleep in her hut when the accused allegedly kidnapped and raped her. Karauli Superintendent of Police Shailendra Singh said, "The accused left the girl near her hut after committing the crime. The victim has been rushed to a hospital and undergoing treatment. The police teams are searching for the accused. A case has been registered under POSCO Act."
According to police, the four-year-old was sleeping at home late at night. The accused kidnapped the girl and committed the rape near the hut. After this, the accused slammed the girl's head and escaped from there. On Saturday, when the girl was not found in the hut, the family members started searching for her. Later, a passerby found the girl lying in an unconscious state near the hut.