Koppala (Karnataka): Four women have washed away while crossing an overflowing rivulet in the Koppal district of Karnataka. According to police, the incident occurred at the Sankanuru village near Yalaburga town on Saturday night when they were returning home from a cotton ginning factory. Four women washed away in a stream at Sankanuru village in Yalaburga taluk of Karnataka. Bhuvaneshwari Patil (40), Girijammaa Kallanagowda Mali Patil (32), Veena Mali Patil (19) and Pavitra Patil (40) of Sankanuru village washed away.
Four women washed away in stream in Karnataka's Koppala
The search was being carried out with the help of the fire brigade, police and locals. Following the tragedy, villagers vented their ire at Minister Halappa upon his arrival in the village.
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It is learnt that the women, who had gone to work at the cotton ginning factory, were returning home when the incident took place. The bodies of Girijamma (32), Bhuvaneshwari (40) and Veena Patil (19) have been found while the search was going on to trace the remaining women. The search was being carried out with the help of the fire brigade, police and locals. Following the tragedy, villagers vented their ire at Minister Halappa upon his arrival in the village.