Srinagar: The Awantipora police, along with security forces, arrested four militant associates linked with proscribed terror outfit LeT and recovered explosive/incriminating materials from their possession in Jammu and Kashmir's Pulwama district, police said on Friday. The accused have been identified as Karamat-ul-lah Reshi, Suhail Bashir Ganai, Adil Ghani Lon and Irshad Ahmed Kumar. During the preliminary investigation, it was found that the arrested militant associates were in touch with LeT terrorist commander Babar, a resident of PoK and were in a bid to hatch a conspiracy to plant IED in the Tral area with the intent to cause damage to police and security forces.
Four LeT militant associates arrested in J&K
Four militant associates have been arrested by the Awantipora police in Jammu and Kashmir's Pulwama district.
4 LeT militant associates arrested in J-K
Also read:2 hybrid militants involved in planting IED in J-K's Bandipora arrested
Besides, the arrested militant associates were also involved in transporting arms and ammunition and other logistic support to the active terrorists of LeT. Accordingly, a case has been registered under relevant sections of law in the Tral Police Station and further investigation is underway, police said.