Srinagar: A woman was among four persons injured in an LPG cylinder blast inside the kitchen of a house in J&K's Kupwara district in north Kashmir on Saturday, local reports said. As per the reports, the blast took place inside the house of one Ghulam Mohi-ud- Din Wani at Wani Mohalla in Mughalpora Kupwara at around 12:45 pm today, leading to minor injuries to four persons.
The injured were identified as Tufail Ahmad Wani, 18, son of Ghulam Mohiuddin, Ghulam Mohiuddin Mir, 60, son of Mohammad Subhan, 55, Naseema Begum, 45, wife of Ghalam Rasool Lone, and Ghulam Hassan Wani. The blast triggered a fire inside the kitchen.