Gandhinagar: In an unfortunate incident in Canada, four people from India including two adults, a teen and an infant froze to death due to extremely low temperatures at the USS-Canada border in Emerson. The four deceased are suspected to have Gujarati origins, as informed by the Manitoba Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) on Thursday.
Union Minister of External Affairs Dr S. Jaishankar also took to Twitter to register his grievance over the loss of lives of people during this unfortunate accident.
According to sources, the deceased were identified as a family of husband Jagdish Patel, wife Vaishali Patel, 12-year-old daughter Gopi and three-year-old son whose name has not yet been confirmed. The sources have, on a preliminary basis, confirmed that all the four deceased were residents of Kalol taluka of Gandhinagar district, while the breadwinner of this family, Jagdish owned a clothes shop in Kalol.