Mumbai:Three days after former Mr India Manoj Patil attempted suicide after blaming actor Sahil Khan for harassment, the bollywood actor broke the silence and claimed that he was innocent. Sahil alleged that the athlete was involved in selling fake and expired steroids to bodybuilders and that his facebook post was to expose the steroids racket.
Speaking at a press conference on Thursday, Sahil said he was innocent and the case had nothing to do with him. "The whole matter was between Patil and Raj Faujdar (who was also present during the media briefing). I had met Raj on a social networking site. He had made a video claiming that Manoj Patil took Rs 2 lakh from him and sold him expired steroids following which he had developed some heart problems and skin issues. Faujdar has all the necessary bills and receipts of financial transactions to prove this. I posted his video on my social media platforms asking people to support Faujdar," Sahil said.