New Delhi:The Delhi High Court on Friday granted bail to Former Managing Director and CEO of YES Bank Rana Kapoor in a Rs 466.51-crore money laundering case. The case is being probed by Enforcement Directorate (ED). The Bench of Justice Sudhir Kumar Jain on Friday granted bail to him.
Former MD and CEO of YES Bank Rana Kapoor gets bail in money laundering case
As claimed by the ED, an ECIR was registered against Gautam Thapar, Avantha Realty Ltd., Oyster Buildwell Pvt. Ltd., and others, alleging criminal breach of trust, cheating, criminal conspiracy and forgery for diversion/ misappropriation of public money during the period 2017 to 2019.
The trial court took cognizance of the Enforcement Directorate (ED) Chargesheet (Prosecution Complaint) filed against Avantha group promoter Gautam Thapar involving Yes Bank's Rana Kapoor and several employees in connection with money laundering case in October last year. The case is being heard since.
As claimed by the ED, an ECIR was registered against Gautam Thapar, Avantha Realty Ltd., Oyster Buildwell Pvt. Ltd., and others, alleging criminal breach of trust, cheating, criminal conspiracy and forgery for diversion/ misappropriation of public money during the period 2017 to 2019.