Mumbai: Flying activities will not be allowed under the limits of police stations at Bandra Kurla Complex and nearby areas in Mumbai on Thursday when Prime Minister Narendra Modi will inaugurate and lay foundation stones for several projects, police said. The prime minister is scheduled to attend a function to be held on the MMRDA grounds in the Bandra Kurla Complex (BKC), an upscale commercial hub.
Flying activities including the use of drones, paragliders, and remote-controlled micro-light aircraft will not be allowed from noon till midnight under the jurisdictions of four police stations, namely BKC, Andheri, Meghwadi, and Jogeshwari on Thursday, the Mumbai Police said in an order on Wednesday.
Terrorist or Anti-Social elements may attack using the drone, paragliders, remote control micro-light aircraft, etc. hence such flying activities are banned for the day. There is every likelihood of the breach of peace and disturbance of public tranquillity and also there is a grave danger to human life, health, safety and injury to public property on that account, the order said.