New Delhi: Congress leader Shashi Tharoor, known for his penchant for rarely used, difficult-to-pronounce English words, on Friday threw in another head-scratcher floccinaucinihilipilification.
The noun, which had Twitterati once again running for their dictionaries, came up as Tharoor engaged in friendly banter with TRS working president KT Rama Rao over COVID-19 medicine names.
Oxford dictionary describes floccinaucinihilipilification as the action or habit of estimating something as worthless.
It started with Rama Rao, or KTR as he is popularly called, wondering why medicine names are so tough to pronounce.
"On a lighter note, any idea who comes up with these unpronounceable names for meds? - Posaconazole - Cresemba - Tocilzumab - Remdesivir - Liposomal Amphoterecin - Flavipiravir - Molnupiravir - Baricitinib. And the list goes on ," he said on Thursday night.
He tagged the tweet and added in another post, tongue firmly in cheek, I suspect @ShashiTharoor Ji Pakka has a role to play in this.
Tharoor responded to the Telangana Rashtra Samiti leader, popularly known as KTR, in the same spirit.
"Not guilty! How can you indulge in such floccinaucinihilipilification, @KTRTRS?" "Left to me I'd happily call them "CoroNil", "CoroZero", & even "GoCoroNaGo!" But these pharmacists are more procrustean....," the MP from Thiruvnanthapuram tweeted.