Jagdalpur: Five youths died when the car they were travelling in was hit by a speeding passenger bus along the NH 30 in Jagdalpur in the early hours of Friday, officials said. Municipal Superintendent of Police Hemsagar Sidar said the accident took place at around 0245 hrs on Friday when the bus on its way from Raipur to Jagdalpur rammed into a car near the Matawada bridge of Jagdalpur leading to the death of four of them hailing from different places of Jagdalpur on the spot.
Five youth die after speeding bus rams into their car on NH 30 in Jagdalpur
The accident took place at around 0245 hrs on Friday when the bus on its way from Raipur to Jagdalpur rammed into a car near the Matawada bridge of Jagdalpur leading to the death of four of them hailing from different places in Jagdalpur on the spot.
Etv Bharat
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The fifth youth hailing from Sukma district died on way to the hospital. Police are trying to contact the relatives of the deceased. The collision was so powerful that police had to use gas cutters to retrieve the bodies from the car. The front portion of the double-decker passenger bus was also damaged in the accident. The cause of the accident was not immediately known.