Pune: Five people were killed and three others seriously injured in a road accident on Thursday night on the Pune-Mumbai Expressway, police said. The incident took place in Deku village. Four people died on the spot and one succumbed on way to the hospital. The other injured persons were admitted to MGM Hospital in Kamothe for treatment.
The accident occurred at around 12 am on Thursday night when an Ertiga car went out of control and rammed into a truck, killing four passengers on the sport and leaving five others critical. One injured person died when while he was being rushed to the hospital. The vehicle was carrying a total of nine passengers including the driver. The vehicle was completely damaged in the accident. A case has been registered against the driver and further investigation is underway, police said.
"The car was going from Pune to Mumbai when it hit the truck from the rear around 12 am. There were nine occupants in the car. While four persons died on the spot, another one succumbed to injuries while being taken to a hospital," an official of Khopoli police station said.