Srinagar: There was no internet shutdown or restriction in the Valley on Independence Day, said Inspector General of Police (IGP), Kashmir zone, Vijay Kumar said on Sunday. This is for the time in three years that internet services remained unaffected in Jammu and Kashmir on Independence Day. In a tweet, the Kashmir Zone Police said that counter-drone technology is deployed at all sensitive places as a prevention measure.
"There is neither internet shutdown nor restrictions on the eve of Independence Day. Counter drone technology deployed at all sensitive places," tweeted Kashmir Zone Police citing the IGP. Deployment of counter-drone technology happened in the backdrop of a low-intensity explosion through a drone at Jammu Air Force Station in June. In the attack, two IAF personnel were injured. In 2019, the Central government had abrogated Article 370, special status to Jammu and Kashmir. Since then, the state has been interrupted internet services.
Also read: Security tightened in Jammu and Kashmir ahead of Independence Day