Hyderabad: In a significant development for adventure sports lovers in the country, the first-of-its-kind Indoor Sky diving Centre is being inaugurated in Hyderabad on Saturday. Earlier, Sky diving lovers had to go abroad and spend a lot of money to enjoy the sport. Now, the time has come to enjoy the fun of skydiving in Telangana. The Indoor Skydiving Centre named 'Gravity Zip' in Gandipet will be inaugurated tomorrow.
Entrepreneurs Ramana Reddy and Sushil reddy, both residents of Hyderabad, have launched gravity zip with the aim of making the dream of flying in the air a reality. The center has been developed after three years of hard work. The Reddys say the center will give a feel of floating in the air at just Rs 2,000-3,000.
On the inspiration behind the project, the Reddys said that one of their family members saw the sport when he went to America but found it nowhere in India. "A lot of people from our country go to foreign countries. We thought that it would be nice if we had it here."