Patna: Chief Minister Nitish Kumar on Monday said that the first genome sequencing facility in Bihar has become operational. Speaking to reporters at the Indira Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, he said that the facility will play a key role in early detection of Omicron cases in the state. The Chief Minister inspected the newly established molecular genetic laboratory and the vaccination of people in the age group of 15 to 18 years.
"From today, samples can be tested for Omicron within the state. We are committed to inoculation of all minors over 15 years of age besides providing booster doses to senior citizens," said Kumar. As for the rising number of Covid-19 cases in the state, Kumar said that the vaccination drive was in full swing in Bihar and his government was constantly monitoring the situation. He also said that a meeting will be held on Tuesday to decide the future course of action.
"We have told government officials that you should review all the places. Tomorrow a meeting of the Covid-19 task force will be held to review the situation. What we have to do next, will be decided in the meeting. Right now, it has been asked to impose restrictions for seven days as Corona cases are increasing rapidly. Therefore keeping an eye on the situation," said Kumar.