New Delhi: A fire broke out at a plastic factory in Narela area in north Delhi on Saturday, a fire department official said. The official said that they received a call about the fire incident at 9.10 p.m. in the factory at H 1373, DSIDC, Narela, in north Delhi after which as many as 20 fire tenders were immediately pressed into the service. As the firemen reached the spot, they found that the blaze was of medium category following which 5 more fire engines were deployed.
Delhi Fire Service chief Atul Garg confirmed to IANS that there have been no injuries or casualties in the incident. However, there was certainly a massive loss of property. The cause of fire is yet to be ascertained. Massive flames engulfed the whole building while thick plumes of smoke was billowing out of the top floor. Meanwhile, Deputy Commissioner of Police (outer north) Brijendra Kumar Yadav said that the factory is owned by one Rahul Jain and at the time of incident, the factory was closed.