New Delhi:A fire broke out at a tin shed godown on Sunday morning in the national capital, the police said. Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) (north) Sagar Singh Kalsi said they received a PCR call around 9.45 a.m. at the Kashmere Gate police station about the fire incident in House no. 3505 first floor, Nicholson Road, in north Delhi after which the local police rushed to the spot and called the Fire Department.
The fire tenders were then immediately pressed into service and they started extinguishing the blaze and carried out a rescue operation. "The fire had broken out in a tin shed godown of approximately 15'-20' in which some rubber material was stored," Kalsi said, adding that no injury or casualty was reported from the incident. As per latest report, the situation is now under control. The incident comes a day after 14 people, including six firefighters, were injured in two separate incidents in Delhi.