Hyderabad:The winners of the coveted Femina Miss India 2023 were announced on Saturday following a grand event. Nandini Gupta of Rajasthan was crowned Miss India 2023. Shreya Poonja of Delhi was named first runner-up, while Thounaojam Strela Luwang of Manipur was declared the second runner-up. Continue reading to learn more about Nandini, who will represent India at the 71st edition of the prestigious Miss World pageant, which will be held in the United Arab Emirates.
On April 15, the official Femina Miss India Instagram handle shared a post to congratulate the winners of the star-studded Femina Miss India 2023 pageant with the caption, "C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S. All of these ladies have powerful voices, and we're confident that they'll use this platform to advance all of the important causes in which they believe."