Kancheepuram (Tamil Nadu):Foxconn, which manufactures spare parts for the popular Apple iPhone in India, was shut down after a food poisoning incident. It has been operating in the Sungwarsathram area of Kanchipuram district for the past three years. The factory employs more than 18,000 women workers and they have been working on a contract basis.
The female workers in the factory are staying in three hostels in Kanchipuram. Recently, more than 100 female workers from this factory have been admitted to private and government hospitals for treatment after consuming contaminated food prepared by the factory's hostel cooks.
More than 3,000 female workers went on strike for about 18 hours on the Chennai-Bengaluru National Highway at midnight on December 17 following rumours that eight of them had died. Following this, Minister for Labour Welfare Ganesan and Rural Industries Minister TM Anbarasan negotiated with the agitating workers and as a result, they withdrew their protest. Later, they complained to the ministers alleging that they are not happy with the salaries being paid by Foxconn. Similarly, they said that the food that is being served, too, is not good.