Thiruvananthapuram: A 19-year-old boy Aneesh George, a resident of Chaka, was stabbed to death by his girlfriend's father at Pettah, Thiruvananthapuram on Wednesday. The boy was inside the girl's room when the father broke open the door and stabbed him.
Assistant Commissioner of Police, D K Prithviraj told the media that the incident happened at 3 am on Wednesday. The police officer stated that the accused Lalan (51), a native of Pettah mistook the boy for a thief.
Assistant Commissioner of Police said, "the reason for murder might be personal but only after proper investigation we will get to the truth."
He added that the crime scene is under surveillance and that the officials are investigating the case.
According to the police officer, the accused stated that on hearing some noise from his daughter's room, he insisted she open the door. When she refused to open the door, he broke into the room and had a fight with the boy. Following which he stabbed him.