New Delhi: Clarifying the reason behind the suspension of the Kisan Ekta Morcha page, social media giant Facebook on Monday said its automated systems found an increased activity on the page and flagged it as "spam".A company spokesperson pointed out that the page was restored within 3 hours.
Facebook had on Sunday temporarily blocked the page of Kisan Ekta Morcha for allegedly "going against" the platform's "Community Standards on spam". The page, which was being used by the farmers protesting at the borders of the national capital, was later restored.
"As per our review, our automated systems found an increased activity on the Facebook page and flagged it as spam, which violates our Community Standards. We restored the page in less than 3 hours when we became aware of the context," a Facebook spokesperson said on Monday.
The spokesperson said that the review showed that only the Facebook page was affected by the automated systems while the Instagram account remained unaffected. The company said that the vast majority of its work in fighting spam is done automatically using recognisable patterns of problematic behaviour.