Chennai:Famous playback singer Vani Jayaram was discovered dead at her residence in the Nungambakkam area of the city on Saturday. She was aged 78 at the time of death. Throughout her career, Jayaram has sung in a total of 19 languages, including Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Hindi, Urdu, Bengali and others. She was recently conferred the Padma Bhushan award.
The singer lived alone in her apartment, her husband having passed away before her. The couple had no children, informed police officials. Malarkodi, Jayaram's domestic help who is employed at the residence, said she rang the bell five times, which emitted no response. "I rang the bell five times at Vani Jairam's residence. But she didn't open the door. Even my husband called her up but she didn't receive the goal. It's only she who stays at this residence" she said.