Tumakuru (Karnataka): Families of the deceased persons have donated the eyes of six out of nine people who were killed in a road accident in the Shira taluka of Tumakuru district of Karnataka late on Wednesday night. The incident took place when a lorry and a cruiser collided near the Balenahalli gate area, police said. The eyes of cruiser drivers Krishna, Sujatha, Prabhuswamy, Siddaiah Swamy, Ninganna, and Meenakshi have been donated.
Tumakuru accident: Family members donate eyes of six deceased
The eyes of cruiser drivers Krishna, Sujatha, Prabhuswamy, Siddaiah Swamy, Ninganna, and Meenakshi have been donated.
Tumakuru Lorry Cruiser accident: Family members donated eyes of six deceased
Earlier, 9 people were killed and 15 others injured in a road accident near Kalambella here on Thursday morning. The incident happened at about 4.30 am when a lorry hit a passenger vehicle. Driver Krishnappa's sister also died in this incident. They used to work as laborers in various places in Bengaluru and Tumakuru and came to their villages for the last Shravana Saturday Puja and were going back to work.
Last Updated : Aug 25, 2022, 10:57 PM IST