New Delhi:Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday took a jibe at former Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav, stating that the water in the river of development in the state had previously been stagnant due to selfish motives of 'fake Samajwadis'. The Prime Minister further added the previous governments never made efforts to quench the thirst for development of the state and fulfill people's aspirations for progress and freedom from poverty.
He said while addressing BJP's 'Jan Chaupal Rally' in Uttar Pradesh's Bijnor district via video conferencing. "The water in the river of development in UP was stagnant. It was stagnating due to the fake 'Samajwadis' and their associates. These people never had anything to do with the thirst for the development of the common man, who wanted progress, and freedom from poverty," Prime Minister said while addressing the Jan Chaupal rally virtually on Monday.
PM Modi also asserted that the political parties, which headed the previous governments, sought to quench their own thirst and that of their associates. "They sought to fill their own coffers. This selfish thirst soaks all streams of the river of development," he said. Prime Minister apologized for holding Jan Chaupal'' rally virtually, saying that the bad weather couldn't allow his helicopter to take off for Bijnor.