Mumbai: The Mumbai police have arrested seven persons and seized fake Indian currency notes with a face value of Rs 7 crore after busting an inter-state gang involved in printing and distribution of counterfeit notes, an official said on Wednesday. Acting on a specific information, Unit-11 of the Mumbai crime branch intercepted a car at Dahisar Check Post in the suburbs on Tuesday evening, the official said.
The police apprehended four persons seating in the car and interrogated them, he said. During a search of the car, crime branch sleuths found a bag containing 250 bundles of counterfeit currency notes (in Rs 2,000 denomination) with a face value of Rs 5 crore, the official said. While interrogating the four car occupants, the police got information about their three more aides, he said.
Accordingly, a police team conducted a raid at a hotel in suburban Andheri (west) and arrested the trio, the official said, adding 100 more bundles of fake currency notes (again in Rs 2,000 denomination) with a face value of Rs 2 crore were recovered from them. Besides counterfeit notes, the police have recovered a laptop, seven mobile phones, Rs 28,170 in genuine currency, Aadhaar and PAN cards and driving licences, among other things, from the gang members, he said.