Mumbai (Maharashtra): Navi Mumbai CGST Commissionerate officers have arrested two businessmen in connection with a fake Input Tax Credit racket, involving CGST of Rs 70 crores, busted by them.
Both the businessmen were sent to 14 days judicial custody by a court, CGST Commissionarate, Navi Mumbai said in an official statement.
It further stated that this network, which involves more than 14 business entities and spread across Mumbai, Navi Mumbai, Raigad, Thane, Pune and Nagpur cities had issued bogus invoices of more than Rs 385 crores without any receipt or supply of goods.
Acting on a tip-off from Central Intelligence Unit, Mumbai CGST Zone, the officers have arrested two businessmen. One of the arrested businessmen is a director of M/s Omnipotent Industries Limited which has floated a public issue recently and another one is the proprietor of M/s Shree Bitumax Trading.
Both the entities are registered with GST for trading in Bitumen, Asphalt, Oil Shale and Tar Sand, etc., and were indulging in fraudulent availment and passing of Input Tax Credit (ITC) of Rs 20.75 crores and Rs. 11.31 crores respectively without receiving the goods or services, in violation of the provisions of the CGST Act 2017.
Both these firms were availing fake ITC from non-existing entities and passing on the same to other entities of this vicious network. Other 12 entities have availed and passed on fake ITC to the tune of Rs 38 crores.
Both Director and proprietor were arrested under Section 69 of CGST Act 2017 for contravention of Section 132 ibid and produced before the Judicial Magistrate First class, Vashi on Saturday, who has remanded them to 14 days judicial custody.