New Delhi:The BJP's minority cell has launched a drive to connect with Muslims in Gujarat, which goes to polls later this year, by making at least 100 "Alpsankhyak Mitra" in assembly segments having a sizeable population of the community, party leader Jamal Siddiqui said on Sunday. People belonging to minority communities, mainly Muslims, will also be included in the BJP's booth committees in such assembly segments, the party's minority cell chief told the media.
"The BJP's minority cell has started a drive to connect at least 100 Muslims hailing from non-political background with the party as its sympathisers. They could be spiritual leaders, professionals, entrepreneurs and could also be those working in government," Siddiqui said. Each such "Alpsankhyak Mitra (friend from the minority community)" of the party would be given the responsibility to ensure 50 minority votes for the BJP from their surroundings, he said.
He further said members of the minority cell will be included in the BJP's booth committees in 109 assembly segments that have substantial Muslim population -- from 25,000 to one lakh votes. The BJP's outreach comes at a time its state government in Gujarat is under attack for releasing 11 men convicted for raping a Muslim woman, Bilkis Bano, and killing her family members during the 2002 communal riots.