Mumbai:NCB Deputy Director General Gyaneshwar Singh on Friday said the special enquiry team which is probing allegations of extortion attempt in the cruise ship drug bust case cannot make any progress unless it speaks to independent witness Prabhakar Sail.
Singh, who is heading the five-member SET, said they have recorded the statements of five NCB officials and three others so far.
Sail is among those who have accused NCB zonal director Sameer Wankhede and other officials of an attempt to extort money after drugs were allegedly seized from a cruise ship off the Mumbai coast following which Aryan Khan, actor Shah Rukh Khan's son, was arrested among others. Wankhede has denied all allegations.
Singh said they tried to contact Sail and also requested the Mumbai police commissioner to help as "there were reports in the media that he is in contact with police and they are examining him."
"We also appealed Sail through the media to come forward to record his statement and submit the evidence as we are not able to serve him notice," the NCB official said, adding the team also contacted his relatives.