Patna: A suspected bomb explosion took place on Thursday in Bihar's Bhagalpur, however, no loss of life or injury was reported in the incident. The blast took place in a garbage dump in Naya Tola Chauhaddi village of Noorpur Panchayat of Bhagalpur. This is the fifth explosion in Bhagalpur in the last few months. On March 3, a blast followed by fire took place in the Kajeevlichak locality of the Tatarpur police station area in which 15 people were killed.
There were three blasts in the month of December. On 9 December 2021, a 40-year-old man was killed when a bomb exploded near a dustbin adjacent to the Nath Nagar railway station. The second incident took place on December 11 in which two school children were injured in a canister bomb blast in Momin Tola. On December 14, a 7-year-old child was killed in a tiffin bomb blast in Nathnagar.