Hyderabad: Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao on Sunday stressed the need for all government departments to work together in coordination to provide quality facilities to people. The Chief Minister held a high-level meeting here to review the development works undertaken by the Municipal Department across the state, along with further improvement of infrastructure in Nizamabad city, an official release said.
"Ways should be explored to solve public problems from time to time through innovative methods rather than conventional methods. For that, all the government departments have to work together in coordination," Rao explained to the officials. Public needs are increasing in tune with growing economic resources and wealth in Telangana. Accordingly, everyone should work together to provide good facilities to people, he said.
"Today, Telangana has achieved qualitative development in all fields from a situation where there were no minimum facilities in the erstwhile united Andhra Pradesh government. People experienced quality facilities in infrastructure such as agriculture, irrigation, drinking water, electricity, roads, education and medicine. The rural economy has achieved qualitative growth," Rao said.